Sunday, November 20, 2022

This Week on the Island 11/20/2022


‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.

The Weather: We have the Dry Season in the winter and the Wet Season in the summer. It looks like the Wet Season is going out with a bang. We also have Tourist Season, Hurricane Season, and a few others.

My M350 trike has been giving me a problem. It is now 4 years old and quit running.

Found it had a bad controller.

They have a new model M350 now and don’t sell those old parts anymore. Nobody here on the island will open the controller to find the problem. All anyone here does is replace parts.

I guess I will be eating hot dogs while I save money to get a new Teeki Kart.

Went to the dentist this week. This is the view out the window as I sat in the chair.

This is the house next door. They began working on it 1 ½ years ago (6/10/2021).

This is the house next door today 11/20/2022. I am so tired of all the noise.

We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’.

Key West

Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’