This Week on the Island 05/22/2011
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The first picture this week is ‘Sunrise at Veterans Park’. This park is on the Atlantic side just after you cross the 7 mile bridge coming toward Key West.
Weather: While you guys just got thru winter with lots of rain and snow. We have had less than 4 inches of rain this year. It is as dry as it was after Katrina and Wilma of 2005. The humidity is rising as we get closer to June and the rainy season and the hurricane season are ready to begin. The hurricane predictors are predicting a busier than normal season.
The book this week was ‘If you are ever in Key West’ by Jane Dawkins. This is a ‘girl’ (romance) book but my wife bought it so I read it.
Wednesday was another trip to the VA in Miami. Seems I have cracked a tooth. It was a long day (get up at 4:00 AM to catch the 5:00 AM bus to Miami and get home by about 6:00 PM).
I keep paying to go to Fort Zack state park, but found that disabled vets get in free to all Florida State Parks. I applied for my free pass and received it this week. Life is good.
Hal and his wife (they used to live in Key West) are back in town as tourist. We sat on the front porch and watched the Conch Trains and the Trolleys go by full of tourist. Hal and his wife knew almost every driver. I think they miss living here.
Last week the streets were empty except for when the cruise ships were in town. This week there were people everywhere. Because of the rising temperatures, I have started walking the dogs at sunset when it is a little cooler. Depending on our timing, there are a bunch of people on the streets either going to or coming from the sunset celebration at Mallory Square.
The current City Hall is in bad shape and the employees have been moved to other building around town. The Mayor has wanted to move City Hall to one of the old school building on White Street. The discussion has gone on forever and everyone is tired of it. It appears that the City Commissioners have decided to tear down the old building on Angler and Simonton and build a new one there. More later.
There are always complaints about ‘no parking available downtown’. There really is plenty of parking downtown, just not a lot of ‘FREE’ parking. I live on Caroline Street and have to pay the city to park. My tag in my auto window cost a little over $100 a year. I think all parking in downtown should be ‘pay parking’. Everyone should be treated the same.
Enough of my complaining about living in Paradise.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.