This Week on the Island 02/24/2019
‘This Week on the
Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings
in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
Weather: It has been beautiful again this week and looks like more to come next
bananas got so heavy that the banana tree fell down. I have tied the banana
stock up on the front porch to get ripe.
are little Cuban bananas and are supposed to be very sweet.
Teeki at
the dog park singing the song of her people.
We rode
down to Fort Zack and saw the ships lining up for the Wreakers Race
We have
the third largest reef in the world 7 miles off shore.
light houses were installed on the reef, lots of ships would hit the reef and
sink or get stuck.
The people
(wreakers) would race to the ship wreak to help the ship or claim the goods
first ship to the wreaked ship became the master of the wreak.
We leave
you with the hibiscus at the front door.
Close to
Perfect, Far from Normal’