This Week on the Island 12/06/2020
‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather: It has been a tuff summer.
Dec 1, and the burning of the hurricane flag to make the end of hurricane season.
On November 8th I hung some bananas on the front porch to ripen. (The bananas grow to one side of the tree. As they get bigger and heaver, they pull the tree toward the ground. Most of the time the tree will fall and I cut the bananas free and hang them.)
On Dec 4th the bananas started getting ripe. I ate the first yellow one with my cereal.
Thanksgiving Day, the sun rising and the moon setting from the White Street Pier.
Corvid-19 is crazy here. Lots of people coming to party and bring it with them. Few masks, few social distancing. Lots of spreading of Corvid-19. Our numbers seem low because we are a small place but our percent of infection is high. The wife of our past mayor just passed. We leave you with Easy like Sunday morning from Bo Fodor.
Key West,
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’