This Week on the Island 11/21/2021
‘This Week on
the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about
happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts
that are lies.
The Weather: Doors and windows open, nice breeze. 77 degrees.
It seems to be a secret as to who is sponsoring the bill but
Wisteria Island may become county property and get developed into a nice park.
This is the ship Wisteria that ran aground off Key West. Its deck was used to skin and process shark. You can see it under water in the above picture. The island was built when the Navy dredged the ships channel in the 1800’s.
Teeki and I at the dog park Saturday morning. Love that Key West weather.
There will be a remembrance and celebration of Paul at Schooner Wharf on 1 Dec.
My current situation on Saturday. Cold beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. Teeki laying by my feet and Michael McCloud playing ‘Tree Top Flyer’.
One of my favorite pictures of Bahai Honda bridge. After the Labor Day hurricane that destroyed the railroad, the right-of-way was used to create a road to Key West and the old rail bridges were widened for car travel. Bahai Honda bridge could not be widened because it was built in a cage, so they put the road on top of the cage. (Bahai Honda = Deep Bay)
We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’.
Key West
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’