This Week on the Island 05/21/2017
‘This Week on the Island’ is
written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key
West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
Weather: Starting to get hot and humid.
I was
sitting on the base of the monument just outside Jimmy Buffett’s recording
studio. Teeki was attracting a lot of attention, as usual. A group of young
ladies came over to pet Teeki and I found they were the girls of a wedding
party. All young and ready to face the world and talking to the old man sitting
by bight with his dog. The beginning and the end of it.
The sun
rising over the Key West bight.
A new
rum factory opening in Key West.
An old
cigar store closing
in Key West.
Life is
short and I am feeling old this week.
West, You have got to love it
to Perfect, Far from Normal’
24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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