This Week on the Island 09/18/2005
The Picture is of 'Bikes in Key West for Bike Week Sept 15-18'. More pictures at click Photo then click Bikes.
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather: We actually had a night this week where the temperature dropped below 80 degrees. The Dry Tortugas reopened this week. Fort Jefferson had been closed since Hurricane Katrina passed over it as a Category 3.
Jimmy Buffett's recording studio 'Shrimp Boat Sounds' on the Key West Bight was under repair last week because of damages by Hurricane Katrina. Buffett has been recording this week.
This weeks book was 'Tampa Burn' by Randy Wayne White. Another 'Who Done it' with the hero saving the beautiful young lady. I really enjoying reading books about the Florida Keys, the Caribbean and the surrounding area.
'Women in Paradise' has come and gone. Most of these activities were centered around Atlantic Shores on the other side of the island. Speaking of Atlantic Shores, that side of town is suing to keep Atlantic Shores from being replaced by a large condo unit. It is the same fight we had on this side of town with 'The Watermark' on the Key West Bight next to Schooner Wharf.
'Bikers Week' was here with it's bikini contest at Schooner Wharf. click PHOTO then click Bikini
The bikini contest is right after the tattoo contest. Click Photo then click Tattoo.
The Edgar Winter Group played at Fort Zackery on Friday night.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W