This Week on the Island 07/02/2017
‘This Week on the Island’ is
written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key
West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
Weather: Same as the last five weeks. Hot and humid until November with a
chance of a hurricane. Our house ready for July 4th.
This week’s book was ‘Key West Smackdown’ by Mike Pettit.
Forty-six years ago, Jo and I were married in a garden in
a thunderstorm.
I still love this woman
Sunrise on the way to the VA in Miami at 6:40 at mile maker
Trying to get help with my right ankle. Have opted for ‘stem
cell’ injections.
Around town, Chicago’s on Green Street has closed.
We are getting more hurricane resistant power poles on
Duval Street.
And last but not least, Teeki and I spent some time
listening to Michael McCloud at Schooner Wharf.
Key West
Close to
Perfect, Far from Normal’
24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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