This Week on the Island 01/08/2012
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The picture this week (click to enlarge) is ‘The Wyland Wall on the old Fresh Market’ and a ‘Jacked-up house ready for restoration’.
Weather: It has been cold (54 degrees Friday morning) this week, but has warmed-up and back in the 70’s by the weekend.
No book this week
The new bar/restaurant, ‘Iron Horse’ in the old Citizens (the local paper) building across from the old City Hall and Sloppy Joes, seems to be doing OK.
The city in its great wisdom has decided to make our sidewalks ADA compliant. They are cutting down very old trees and making sidewalks wider. To do this they are getting rid of some of the parking on these streets. Lots of people are not very happy.
Our City Manager has turned in his resignation. Some people will be glad to see him go.
The City Commissioners are still discussing the widening and deepening of the ships channel to accommodate larger ships. We the people have already told them we do NOT want larger ships.
SAVE THE WYLAND WALL. The old Fresh Market is supposed to be turned into a mini brewery with a restaurant on the top. Rumor has it that in the re-modeling they plan to paint over the Wyland Wall. We need to stop this! Rumor is that they also plan on having bands with amplified music on top of the building. This also needs to be stopped.
-----------------Son Of A Gun-------------------------------
In the old sailing days when a ship came into harbor the captain may decide to leave the ship off-shore. Many of the men had been ‘shanghai-ed’ and would not come back if let on-shore. The officers would go into town and get some of the ‘ladies of the evening’ to go out to the ship. The place with the most privacy was between the cannons on the gun deck. If one of these ‘ladies of the evening’ would later give birth to a male child, he would be called a ‘Son Of The Guns’.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.