Saturday, January 09, 2021

This Week on the Island 01/10/2021

‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.

The Weather:  Supposed to be in the 50’s Saturday night. We need to get back to Key West weather.

This week I read Janet Evanovich ‘Hardcore Twenty-Four.’

The buzzards are back. They normally get here around the first part of November; they are a bit late this year. Some say they are a sign that hurricane season is over. Pic from

Monday, we took a little ride down to Fort Zack. It was a nice day.

Coconuts laying on the side of the road. Most of them were gone a few hours later.

Jo’s cactus blooming.

The bougainvillea blooming.

The bananas I hung on the porch on Dec 15th are getting ripe.

We leave you with Easy like Sunday morning. Pic from Bo Fodor.

Key West,

Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’