This Week on the Island 01/15/2012
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The first picture this week (click to enlarge) is ‘Mango Shutters’ they are the same color that Key West paints the no parking curb. The second picture is some Key West art.
Weather: Beautiful. In the mid to high 70’s and lots of sunshine. Another cold front on the week end.
This week I started ‘Dexter’ by Jeff Lindsay.
Well it is diet time again. After Thanksgiving and Christmas and eating all those leftovers I have gained a pound or two. My diet is more exercise and fewer calories. For this diet, I eat Banquet frozen dinners. They are on sell from time to time at 10 for $10. I try to eat 2 a day, some days 3, but it is only about 1,000 calories a day. I have lost 6 pounds the first 15 days of this month. Jo brought home Girl Scout cookies Tuesday night. She got me some peanut butter cookies. I was so hungry I ate a whole box full. Back to the diet on Wednesday.
Saturday we had the Soldier Ride, combat wounded warrior’s ride, in to Key West for a greeting down at the Truman Waterfront.
Saturday was also the Key West Seafood Fest at Bayview Park with Howard Livingston and the MM24 band playing.
Gene Hackman (81), the movie star, was hit and knocked from his bicycle at MM88.6. He was taken to the hospital in Miami and seems to be OK.
Next week is the ‘Snottie Yacthies’
-------------Sailing Terms-------------------------
Two Years Before the Mast, A book by Richard Henry Dana, Jr., published in 1840. The Mast is in the middle of the ship. The officers lived in the rear of the ship and the sailors lived in the front of the ship (before the mast). Therefore this story is about the life of an ordinary sailor.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.