This Week on the Island 08/21/2022
‘This Week on
the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about
happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts
that are lies.
The Weather: August, hot, humid, Same as last week and next week.
When the ‘bad guys’ are running from the ‘good guys’, they throw their ‘stuff’ overboard. If they get caught there are no drugs onboard. The drugs keep floating in
Speaking of floating, the Atocha didn’t. It was a Spanish Galleon that sank in a hurricane. After searching for 15 years, Mel Fisher and his crew found it. This year we will celebrate ‘Mel Fisher Days’ in September.
Celebrating! Last weekend was Lobster Fest. Lots of lobster eaten on Duval Street.
Saw this old map today, thought I would share. In the early 1940’s the Federal Government improved US#1 into Key West. This map shows North and South Roosevelt when they had water on both sides of the road. It also shows how small Key West was until they dredged and filled the land between the two roads.
And talking about roads and it being August, back in the ‘70’s in August my bride and I drove across country in a Fiat X-19. We got to Yellowstone August 15th. It was snowing. We only had summer clothing. First time I ever saw a moose. Those things are big.
Bolt cooling it on the floor. He seems to be getting used to his new home after 6 weeks with us.
We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’.
Key West
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’