This Week on the Island 03/02/2014
‘This week on the Island' is
written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key
West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
(Click any picture to make it
Lots of sun, lots of rain associated with the latest cold front. Then it was
back to lots of sun.
book this week.
took a road trip in the Hummer Saturday to take the dogs to the vet in
Marathon. So we are inviting you along.
is Harris Gap Bridge at mile marker 17. It is the shortest bridge in the 42 bridges
to Key West from the mainland. (The tourist ask ‘If there are 42 bridges, which
one do I take to get to Key West?’ The answer of course is ‘All of them.’)
is the old Bahia Honda Bridge and the most interesting bridge in the keys. This
railroad bridge was built inside a cage for stability. When the railroad went
bust and they converted the old railway to a roadway, the bridge was not wide
enough. They put the roadway on top of the cage.
is the start of the 7 mile bridge headed north.
old 7-mile bridge runs next to the new bridge.
If you
remember Arnold in the movie ‘True Lies’, you will remember them blowing a hole
in the bridge. The hole has been there and is actually where the old draw
bridge used to be to let ships pass.
is Pigeon Key where the workers lived while building the old 7-mile bridge.
visiting the vet we went to Wendy’s and then to Veterans Park at MM39 to eat
our lunch. This was the view.
this is Veteran’s Park.
we got back to Key West, there was an ‘Art Fair’ on Lazy Way Lane.
Key West you have got to love it
'Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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