This Week on the Island 12/24/2006
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The picture this week is transportation in Key West. This guy stopped by the MARC House to purchase a Christmas tree. He had already been to Kmart to purchase decorations. You will notice that his baskets are full, we added the tree, and he rode off.
This week's book was 'The Man Who Invented Florida' by Randy Wayne White. I really enjoy his books and the adventures of Dr. Ford.
The Weather: (Rag Top Days: Jimmy Buffett). Riding around with the top down.
JIMMY BUFFETT pre interview at his recording studio, Shrimp Boat Sounds, on the Key West Bight.
ROAD TRIP: Monday morning we went to physical therapy at the VA and then left for a dental appointment in Key Largo, MM103, (That means we drove 103 miles north to Key Largo.) We stopped for lunch at Hog Heaven, MM86, and I had their nacho supreme and Jo had their fish fingers. Then it was on to Key Largo. After the dentist appointment we headed back toward Key West, MM0. We stopped for dinner at Porky's (MM48). We had their North Carolina Bar-b-que Sandwich. Got back to Key West about 9:00 PM.
TRANSPORTATION: One of the reasons I love Key West is the inventive ways people get around. We are a flat 2 mile by 4 mile coral island therefore most of the residence get around without a motor vehicle. We of course have bicycles and walking but many people also use skate boards. Some of these skate boards have motors and one couple comes by each morning on their way to work with him on the motorized skate board with her in tow on her regular skate board. Another couple comes by with both of them on the same skate board. (They must be very close.) Then there is the motorized skate board that is triangle shaped and looks like a tricycle. Let's not forget to mention the kids with the rollers built into the soles of their shoes.
Lots of people have little dogs and their dogs ride in the bicycle/tricycle basket. Some people have kids and the kids ride in a cart pulled by the bicycle/tricycle. Not to be left out are the people on bicycles/tricycles that pull their larger dogs in the 'kid cart'. Before Nevada went to doggie heaven I used to pull him around in a 'Red Rider' wagon.
The folks that work Mallory Square and Sunset Celebration are some of the most inventive. They have built all sorts of carts that they pull behind bikes or scooters. These carts unfolded into tables and such to display the wares the artist are selling.
The favorite motorized vehicle is the scooter. They are everywhere and every size and every shape. The little 'crotch rockets' (very small motor cycles) are against the law and so is the Segway (2 wheel people movers).
Conch Cars are interesting also. There are many Suzuki Samurai's like mine with all sorts of decorations. Mine has parrots all over it, another has seashells, another has iguanas, etc. Some larger convertible cars are decorated to look like ships.
The Fair Jeanne, a square rigger was in Key West Bight,
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W
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