This Week on the Island 03/06/2022
‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
I saw this on MSN and it reminds me of the Pirate Captain saying, ‘The beatings will continue until the moral improves’.
March 3rd, 1:30 PM, 81 degrees, Key West, Truman Waterfront. Beautiful.
Jo and some friends at Schooner for ‘Fat Tuesday’.
The last day for the old 7-mile bridge.
Teeki visiting Captain Tony’s on our after-lunch
Saturday Street Fair on Lazy Way Lane.
Saturday, Another week, another batch of Spring Breakers at Dante’s.
We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’. Pic from Bo Fodor. The thing in the background is Fort Jeff and is on Garden Key about 70 miles west of Key West. It is the 'least' visited National Park in the USA.
Key West
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’