This Week on the Island 10/23/2022
‘This Week on
the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about
happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts
that are lies.
This week ends with Goombay and kicks off Fantasy Fest. The whole 10-day celebration is the busiest time of the year on the island. Goombay is a celebration of the connection between the Bahamas and Key West. It takes place on Petronia Street in Bahama Village.
Sunday will be the Zombie Bike Ride. It will start near the airport and come down South Roosevelt (A1A) to the Truman Waterfront.
Then there is the Locals Parade on the 28th. Starts near the graveyard and heads down to Duval Street.
The pet – Owners Parade on the 26th is at the Truman Waterfront.
And the Fantasy Fest Parade on Saturday Night.
Smirk is dressed for Halloween
And a little picture of Sunset Pier.
We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’.
Key West
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’