Saturday, December 25, 2021

This Week on the Island 12/26/2021


‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.

 The Weather: Doors and windows open, nice breeze. 80 degrees.

Our after-lunch ride last Sunday was to Fort Zack. These people seem to have one of the best spots on the island.

Our early in the morning walk passed this on Elizabeth Street.

Then there was this at South Beach on the Atlantic end of Duval.

The first day of winter was Dec 21. Time to get out the winter clothing.

One of our neighbors gave us a miniature of our house for Christmas. She got it from ‘Key West Island Art by Debie Fritts.’

This is our house. Looks close to the miniature.

And a Key West Christmas to all. Pic from Bo Fodor.

We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’. Pic from Brian Patrick.

Key West

Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’