Saturday, August 10, 2019

This Week on the Island 08/11/2019

‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather:  I’m feeling hot, hot, hot. The dog days of summer are here.
The book this week was:
The guns on the USS Billings giving a salute during their commissioning at the outer mole.
Can you say water spout capital of the world? Welcome to Key West. The first picture is from Capt Tony's looking up Green Street toward the bight. The second waterspout was from around the 7-Mile Bridge. They are tornadoes at sea and usually breakup when they hit land.
This week was Lobster Fest
And Captain Tony’s Birthday
Teeki and I spending some time at the dog park.
Did I mention that it was the dog days of summer and hot, hot, hot? Teeki likes to sleep in the bath tub. We have all sat in the tub and know how cool it can feel.
Key West,
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’