This Week on the Island 07/09/2006
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
----------------HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY--------------------------
Key West: The picture this week is our house's gingerbread. That is the name given to the fancy woodwork on the front of houses. It used to signify what the people that lived there did for a living. Ours is lobster (Pineapple according to the Conch Train). Mr. Carr, the man that built this house was a fisherman. One house that used to be a gambling house has hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs. Another house has naked ladies (wonder what they used to do there?).
The Weather: Believe it or not, this week we had two days where the temperature got up to 90 degrees. It has also rained every day. Key West rain does not keep anyone indoors. People are on the streets between showers. The dogs and I got wet a few times.
This weeks book was 'In our Time' by Ernest Hemingway. It is a collection of short stories (1925). I also read 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Earnest Hemingway (1952).
I keep doing a few sudoku's every day to keep my mind working.
I also go to to do some math to keep thinking logically.
Now that summer is here and the traffic on the island is slowing down, I have started taking trips on by bike again. It is good exercise and a great way to get a tan.
Sunday, at Schooner Wharf, we met some people from IOWA. Dave and Karen are in town for the week and are readers of 'This Week on the Island'. They are very nice people and brought Jo and I a pig (ceramic).
Over the week end we had 'Goombay'. It is a celebration of the African heritage. Lots of good food, bands, and fun in Bahama Village.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W
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