This Week on the island 03/28/2017
‘This Week on the Island’ is
written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key
West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather: Beautiful
all week. On White Street Pier looking toward Cuba.
Teeki back to Dr. Doug’s in Marathon. Seems she has kennel cough. Hope to be
better in 10 days after taking her drugs.
Break is still happening. They are checking ID’s at the gate. I am too old to
get in.
ship horned blasted. Tourist headed back to the ship for the remainder of their
The Key
West Trolley carrying the tourist around town.
Von Cosel, not his real name, became famous in Key West for sleeping with a
dead woman for years. Google him. It is unbelievable.
West, You have got to love it
'Close to Perfect, far from Normal’
Doug Bennett
'Close to Perfect, far from Normal’
Doug Bennett
24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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