This Week on the Island 06/14/2008
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The picture this week (click to enlarge) is Key West Elvis (KWelvis). He has left the island.
The picture this week (click to enlarge) is Key West Elvis (KWelvis). He has left the island.
The Weather: 98 degrees in Columbia, SC. 101 degrees in Raleigh, NC. 98 degrees in New York. 10 inches of snow in Washington state. I’m glad I’m here in Key West where it seldom gets above 90 degrees or below 60 degrees.
The book this week was 'Beowulf’ an epic tale about a Nordic warrior (8th Century). I also read ‘Aristotle’s Ethics- Book One and Book Two’.
Don’t forget ‘Fathers Day’. Sassi and Boca are taking me to Schooner Wharf to listen to Michael McCloud.
National news had a ‘big to do’ about a waterspout off south Florida. For waterspout pictures go to click PHOTOS and then click WATERSPOUTS.’ Waters around the Keys, especially from Marathon past Key West on westward to the Dry Tortugas, probably see 400 or 500 waterspouts a year. Since they are so common, most go unreported unless they cause damage.’
Pride Fest was this week. . (It used to be Gay-Pride Week). Saturday was the unfurling of the rainbow flag down Dual Street from the Atlantic to the Gulf. For more:
The old ‘Steam Plant’ at the end of Caroline Street was converted into condos and people started moving in this week. The building of condo’s on the old Jabour’s property seems to have come to a halt. The building on the old Atlantic Shore’s property is proceeding.
An article in the Key West Citizen on Wednesday was about Jimmy Buffett having a problem with the paper The Conch Republic Coconut Telegraph using his term ‘Coconut Telegraph’.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.55967N, Long 81.80169W
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