This Week on the Island 02/28/2010
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The picture this week (click to enlarge) is ‘Dollars on the ceiling at No Name Pub’ and ‘Bob-Greg’, some friends that came-a-visiting. Greg is now retired. We expect to see him more often.
Weather: Beautiful the first of the week with lots of sun, clear skies and the temperature in the mid 70’s. Another front with rain on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Beautiful on Saturday with lots of sun, clear skies and the temperature in the mid 70’s.
The book this week was ‘The Book of Adventure’ (1938) by Charles Knapp.
Another week of lots of people everywhere. The tourist say it is warmer than back home, but to us locals it is still winter.
Speaking of winter. I have been in a bad mood lately. It seems that everyone is pissing me off. A waiter charger me $5 for a beer and I went off on him. A guy in a truck almost ran over the dogs and I as we crossed the street and I cussed him out. I am blaming it on all the cold weather and the rain.
On the weekend there was a boat show down on the Truman waterfront next to the old sub pen. It was beautiful and everyone had a good time.
This weekend also was ‘Heritage Days’ with Civil War encampments at Fort Zack. Key West was a Union city during the Civil War. We like to re-enact things that never happened so there was an assaults on Fort Zack by the Confederate soldiers and defense by the Union troops. There were also attacks from the sea. A parade was held on Friday and a Civil War Period Ball was held inside Fort Zack on the Parade Ground.
Harbor House, the large development out back of Schooner Wharf is headed for auction on the court house steps on March 2. They paid about $23 million for the land and built one condo building before the housing crash. Marshall & Iisley Bank of Wisconsin holds the mortgage.
Best bars in Key West? Read (Feb 23)
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.55967N, Long 81.80169W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.