This Week on the Island 04/03/2005
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Weather: Another Beautiful Week. Tuesday night it cooled off enough for us to cut off the air conditioning. It didn't last long, as we had to cut it back on Wednesday.
I find it interesting that the leaves are now falling off the trees. In most places the trees lose their leaves in the fall, here I guess they are just making way for the new leaves that are growing.
The folks that own the house up the street dropped by to give us a bunch of Wahoo. It is about the best fish in the ocean. Jo cooked it up and we ate it for days.
The island is still crowded, I guess from the Easter weekend. I went up to Monty's to lay around the pool but there were too may kids. (Monty's is a restaurant/bar on Caroline Street that has a giant pool).
Spent some time painting some parrots on the Suzuki Samurai. If you live in Key West, you should have a Key West car.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conch Token's- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
In 1886 a fire started at the San Carlos on Duval Street and burned for 12 hours. When complete it had destroyed all the houses between Duval and Simonton from Fleming to the waterfront. In 1886 that was almost the complete town of Key West and the destruction was valued at over $2 Million. (Today one house cost that much). Because of this fire, most houses in Key West now have metal roofs.
The Weather: Another Beautiful Week. Tuesday night it cooled off enough for us to cut off the air conditioning. It didn't last long, as we had to cut it back on Wednesday.
I find it interesting that the leaves are now falling off the trees. In most places the trees lose their leaves in the fall, here I guess they are just making way for the new leaves that are growing.
The folks that own the house up the street dropped by to give us a bunch of Wahoo. It is about the best fish in the ocean. Jo cooked it up and we ate it for days.
The island is still crowded, I guess from the Easter weekend. I went up to Monty's to lay around the pool but there were too may kids. (Monty's is a restaurant/bar on Caroline Street that has a giant pool).
Spent some time painting some parrots on the Suzuki Samurai. If you live in Key West, you should have a Key West car.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conch Token's- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
In 1886 a fire started at the San Carlos on Duval Street and burned for 12 hours. When complete it had destroyed all the houses between Duval and Simonton from Fleming to the waterfront. In 1886 that was almost the complete town of Key West and the destruction was valued at over $2 Million. (Today one house cost that much). Because of this fire, most houses in Key West now have metal roofs.