This Week on the Island 02/11/2007
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Picture this week is 'Land Shark' (like Buffett's new beer) a yacht in the Key West Bight. On the platform on the left side back of the yacht is an alligator on a rope. It looks real but is made of rubber.
This week I read 'Dead Run' by Erica Spindler. I really enjoy reading murder mysteries about the Key's.
The Weather: Another beautiful week. Highs in the high 70's and sunny skies.
Last week the Key West Polar Bear Club met at one of the local hotel pools. They broke some ice and put it in their drinks and everyone went for a swim. It is much move civilized than jumping in frozen water.
Sunday night Duval Street was empty. The bars were full. Something to do with the Super Bowl. If you missed any of the ads, they are at
Wednesday I took another trip on the VA bus to the VA Hospital in Miami. This was a 15 hour day for a 15 minute appointment. We were on our way home, on the 18 mile stretch, and about 1 mile from the Jewfish draw bridge when the traffic stopped. The draw bridge was stuck in the open position. We had to turn around and head back toward Florida City and then take Card Sound Road around the Jewfish Bridge. The traffic was horrible. The problem added about 2 hours onto our trip time. It is a good thing I took a book and a bunch of sudoku's to work.
Thursday night Captain Outrageous, a Key West figure, was taken to the hospital in Miami. He passed away. He will be missed.
For all you Buffett fans, Dennis Pharmacy has reopened as Dennis Luncheonette. It was on Simonton Street on the Atlantic side of the island. It is now on Petronia Street in Bahama Village.
Saturday we had a Civil War Parade on Duval Street. There was a camp built at Fort Zack and some re-enactments performed.
When word reached Key West that South Carolina had fired on Fort Sumter, the Army garrison in Key West was marched to Fort Zack and took control. Key West remained part of the Union in the Civil War and served as a strong-hole to block shipping of supplies to the southern states. The harbors of Key West were filled with captured blockade runner ships.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W
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