This week on the Island 02/26/2006
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
Key West: a city of change. The pictures this week are: (1) 1890's Duval at Front Street (2) Duval at Front Street today (2006). Note that the only building in both pictures is the First National Bank Building (now Walcovia) on the corner and it was new when the first picture was taken.
The Weather: Sunny and in the low 80's with no humidity.
This weeks book was 'Undercover of Daylight' by James W Hall. I found it very entertaining. 'Undercover of Daylight' means bringing in the drugs along with the other fishing boats at the end of the day while it is still daylight. The drugs are unloaded in coolers so everyone thinks it is fish. Less chance of getting caught, but you have to stay at sea all day with a boat load of drugs while you wait for the other boats to return to the docks.
This week started with a 3 day week end (Presidents Day). It appears that lots of people are tired of winter and have come to Key West to warm up a bit. The Island is packed and spring break doesn't start for a few weeks. Spring Break here runs from the first weekend in March thru Easter weekend. Some years we have many weeks of Spring Break, some years we only have a few weeks of Spring Break. This year Easter is April 16th so we will have about 8 weeks of Spring Break.
Someone (I wonder who) has been in 'Shrimp Boat Sounds' recording a new CD all week.
Last Saturday a bunch of disabled veterans rode bikes into Key West. They started in Oregon and rode to New York, then from New York to Key West. One guy had no legs so he had a special bike that he peddled with his hands. Talk about a positive attitude.
Monday I went kayaking in the bight (a body of water surrounded by land with an opening to the sea). About 1 hour later my arms were tired and I had too much sun.
I decided to take a bike ride Tuesday, so I got on my new Kmart Huffy one speed and peddled over to the graveyard in the middle of the island. Then I took the back roads over to Louie's Back Yard and around to The Casa on the Atlantic. I went on past Higgs Beach and the dog park and up to White Street Pier. Next I peddled up to Smathers Beach and watched lots of tourist getting sunburned. I went on to the airport and sat on the seawall and watched the Atlantic for a while. I started heading back home when my back tire blew. That is a long walk back to old town. Got lots of exercise and sun.
Wednesday, I went to 'Fat Boy' class at the VA. In January I made the mistake of telling my Doctor that I wanted to lose some weight. The class was on nutrition.
Wednesday afternoon I found a hermit crab crossing the kitchen floor. Jo put him in a container with a bunch of her small conch shells (his shell was too small). After he calmed down he started trying on the other shells.
Saturday and Sunday were 'Old Island Days' and included an art fair on Whitehead Street between Green and Caroline.
Florida passed a law this week that allows dogs in resturants with outdoor areas.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W