This Week on the Island 11/27/2005
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The picture above is 'No Name Pub'. It is NOT on No Name Key, but is located on Big Pine Key. see
The Weather: A little cold (65 degrees) the first of the week, but nice (78 degrees) by Saturday.
This week is the start of 'Pirates in Paradise', pictures next week. Dec 3rd is the Christmas Parade. Dec 3 & 4 is 'Goombay'. Dec 7 is start of 'Fantasy Fest'.
With the 'America' gone, the 'Liberty' has taken up it's docking place at Schooner Wharf. The 'Appledore' is back and is parked next to the 'Western Union' and the 'Jolly Rover' has moved to be next to Conch Republic. The bight is full of Schooners. The 'Positive Carry' is in the Key West Bight. It is a 'yacht for rent', read more at http://www.trinity
This weeks book was 'Killing Me Softly' by John Leslie. This is a series of books about a detective, Gideon Lowery, that lives on the Atlantic end of Duval Street. He was born in Key West,( a Conch) and is a detective and plays piano at a club on the Gulf side of Duval Street. I enjoy following his path around town. I started the second Gideon Lowery book, 'Night and Day', but it seemed very familiar. By chapter 5, I realized that I had read this one before. Took both books back to the library and checked out a few more.
Thanksgiving in Key West. A beautiful day (78 degrees and sunny) with dinner for $5.50 at the VFW or dinner for free on Lazy Lane at the Sebago Cook Sack or dinner for locals on the Wharf by Schooner Wharf Bar or dinner at one of the many restaurants. My neighbors out back and next door had Thanksgiving party's in their yards with lots of people in attendance. As in the past, many of us locals met on the dock extending from the front of Schooner Wharf Dock for Thanksgiving. It is a bit like a family reunion with everyone bringing something until we have more than we can all eat. Jo did the turkey and dressing and some pies (coconut, pecan, pumpkin, and sweet potato). Pictures at
Key West, You have got to love it
'Meet me at the end of the road' - Conky Tonkin'- Jimmy Buffett
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5597N, Long 81.8016W