This Week on the Island 01/31/2010
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The picture this week (click to enlarge) is ‘Hibiscus in bloom’ at our front door and ‘Help Stop Dog Nudity’ at the street fair on Whitehead Street. They sold dog clothes.
Weather: Another cold front the first of the week, back into the high 70’s by the weekend with another cold front expected on Sunday with an expected high of 73 degrees..
The book this week was ‘A Book of Brave Deeds’ (1938) by Charles Knapp.
The first part of the week John and Karen came to Key West on their Harley. John pointed out that we had met years ago at Gilley’s in Houston, Texas (you remember the movie Urban Cowboy -1980 staring John Travolta).
Lots of people coming to Key West this time of the year. I think people are sick and tired of winter.
Some of you may remember ‘Hat Man Flowers’ that played keyboard for Michael McCloud. He got busted on Duval Street for beating a guy with a guitar. Thursday’s paper said he was sentenced to 2 years probation and 90 days daily AA meetings and fined $2,000 and must pay medical fees.
‘Art in the Park’ this year is not all at Fort Zack as it has been in the past. It was spread out to 4 different places.
Mayito Rivera and his salsa band, from Cuba, treated Key West to a performance at Fort Zack Thursday night
Key West Food and Wine Fest kicked off at the Southernmost Beach Café on Thursday night. Entrance was $100 per person.
Whitehead at Caroline Street was blocked for a street fair on Saturday and Sunday.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.55967N, Long 81.80169W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.