This Week on the Island 08/21/2011
'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The first picture this week (click to enlarge) is ‘The Key West Graveyard’. The second picture is the Jewish Section’. The third picture is ‘The Catholic Section’. The last picture is ‘I Told You I Was Sick’. Religion even separates some of us at death. I don’t understand.
Weather: Hot and humid, it must be August.
This week I read ‘Street’ by W. C. Highfield. It was written by a street person.
The city of Key West closed off Eaton Street from White to Simonton Street for milling and paving. Traffic has been pretty bad since all of the cross streets have been blocked. They were finished in 5 days.
Wednesday it seemed like a good time to take a bike ride. First I peddled to Eaton and Grinnell and found that the first, two blocks of Eaton were already open to traffic. I peddled on over to the grave yard. It is always nice and quite there. After a few pictures at the grave yard I peddled on over to the White Street Pier and down around Higgs Beach. I met some folks from Pennsylvania and had a good talk. After leaving there I peddled on over to the little park next to the Casa. I could see the people sitting on Louis Back Yard, so I peddle over there and got an adult beverage. Some folks from North Carolina came over and we chatted a bit. I left Louis and headed to the Southernmost Point. I turned right and went pass US#1, the light house, and Hemingway’s House and on toward the Green Parrot. I stayed on Whitehead and took a right on Caroline Street at Kelly’s. Peddling straight ahead I went up Caroline pass The Porch, The Bull & Whistle, Duval Street, and on to home.
Thursday I peddled down to Fort Zack and the beach. Spent some time there until a storm came in, so I rode in the rain toward home.
People die every day trying to get from Cuba to the U. S. in little boats that we call CHUGS. Some make it here and are allowed to stay under the ‘Dry Foot, Wet Foot’ policy. Some are picked up at sea and taken back to Cuba. Some never make it at all.
Check out . People risking everything to come to this country and those of us that live here do not appreciate it.
Key West, You have got to love it
'Living the life that others dream'
Doug Bennett
Lat 24.5591N, Long 81.8016W
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Sassi dancing to Schooner Wharf Bar Dog.