Saturday, September 18, 2021

This Week on the Island 09/19/2021


‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.

The Weather:  Still Hot and Humid.

Teeki escaped under the fence at the dog park last Saturday. I found her in the bight (google it) swimming after iguana. She will catch them and kill them (she is quite the hunter).

On July 17th we had USNS Burlington EPF 10 and USNS Puerto Rico EPF 11 at the Truman Waterfront.

This Week we had USNS Newport EPF 12 at the Truman Waterfront.

I think very few people will remember when ships used to dock at 0 Duval.

Speaking of old ships, look at what is left of the Schooner Western Union that used to be in the bight next to Schooner Wharf.

And I bet few remember when Mel Fishers Museum was in a rebuilt Spanish Galleon at the end of Front Street. There is a hotel there now named The Galleon.

The old Turtle Kraals restaurant closed and The Boat House moved in and has opened a new restaurant call The Boat House at Turtle Kraals. But do you remember when the whole think fell into the bight in 1995.

We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’, this pic from Hawaii

Key West,

Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’