Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This Week on the Island 07/18/2004

'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have always loved summer. Most of my best memories have happened in summer when it is hot and people are enjoying themselves. I now live where it is summer most of the year, but I still enjoy the summer months. We have less tourist in the summer and therefore most restaurants/bars have empty seats and want your business. The roads have less traffic and it is safer to ride my bicycle. We have festivals almost every week in order to attract more people to the island. These festivals are enjoyable and the locals actually come out for them. The beaches are not as crowded, and weather is very nice. I love summer.

Buffett's new CD 'License to Chill' went on sale on July 13th. I purchased the first one from Margarittaville here in Key West and received a 'License to Chill' license tag. The tag was on the HUMMER within the first hour of receiving it. I put it on with hex headed screws so it will be hard to remove.

Disney is filming 'The Pacifier' with many action scenes taking place just off the White Street pier. The daily morning show 'Desperate America' broadcast from Mallory Square on Friday morning.

Rosie O'Donnell was in town on Wednesday with her wife, Kelli. She visited the Key West Butterfly Conservatory and was given the key to the city. She and her family were on a week long cruise that had docked in Key West.

John Kerry's sister Peggy was in the Key's.

We now have a 6 foot crocodile. This guy has taken residence in the salt ponds and creeks around Leo's Campground on Stock Island.

Key West, you have got to love it.
Doug Bennett

Many have predicted this for years and it is finally happening. A school in Japan is putting chips in all their kids in the name of security. All kids will be scanned as they enter and leave areas of the school. They will be monitored by a computer and their where-a-bouts will be known at all time while on the school yard.