Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This Week on the Island 07/11/2004

'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last week end was the 4th of July weekend and the island was packed. Many people left after the weekend and the island has been kind of 'slow' this week.


Clothing in the tropics.

T-Shirts. I got 'em. It seems that everything in town either sells t-shirts or gives them away. I have t-shirts from 'Chicken Fest', 'Fantasy Fest', 'MOTM' (Meeting of the Minds- Buffett fan club), 'Cinco de Mayo', 'Minimal Regatta', 'SPHC' (Southernmost Parrot Head Club), 'Lobster Fest', 'Margaretville's, etc, etc, etc. As you can guess, I wear a lot ot t-shirts here on the island. When the humidity goes away from November to April, I get out the golf shirts.

Shorts. I got them. Most of my shorts look the same except for being different colors. I have 10 pocket shorts I purchased from Haband. I have tan, gray, tan, black, tan, dark blue, tan, and did I mention I also have tan shorts. I have a pair of jeans and a pair of Khakis that I wear when it gets below 60 degrees.

Shoes. I don't have them. Last year for our Christmas party I had to wear my Birkenstock sandals. I wear them everywhere. I do have some running shoes that I wear when it gets below 60 degrees.

Caps. I got them. The South Carolina cap is very popular as Buffett has worn them on some of his CD's. I have a tan one and a dark blue one. I also have a SPHC (Southernmost Parrot Head Club) cap. If you like the South Carolina cap you can get one online from the Margarittaville store in Charleston.

Coats. I have a wind breaker. I wear it when it gets below 60 degrees.

It is amazing how much money can be saved by not having to purchase Suits, Shirts, Ties, Wing tips, socks, etc, etc, etc.

Key West, You have got to love it.
Doug Bennett

Out next big event on the island is Hemingway days starting July 20th.