Saturday, February 02, 2019

This Week on the Island 02/03/2019

‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather: It was cold and rainy most of the week and then came the week end.

This week end is Civil War Days. We like to celebrate things that never happened. When the word got to the Military at Key West of the firing on Ft Sumter in the Charleston Harbor, the Military marched to Fort Zack in Key West and controlled the town until the end of the war. Fort Zack was surrounded by water at that time.

When the ships channel was dug, they put the dirt around Ft Zack and made Ft. Zack State Park. So, for this picture of the Yankees firing at ships to be true, the Yankees would have to have been under water.

Closer to home. We had an iguana come to visit the banister on the upstairs front porch.

Teeki and I watched as the military put a boat in the water at the new Truman Waterfront Park. They tested the motors.

This is and old picture before Higgs Beach was built at the old West Martello Fort. It is now the Women’s Garden Club. The road to the right is White Street. The large square piece of ground is where the Dog Park is now. The triangle piece of land next to the dog park is a Children’s Play Ground. Saluta’s Restaurant is to the left down the beach.

We leave you with a picture of the hibiscus by my gate.
‘Key West,
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’