Sunday, February 27, 2005

This Week on the Island 02/15/2004

'This week on the Island' is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There a many people here this week. I guess the 3 day week end has them looking for a place in the sun. The weather has been warm and we have been running the air conditioning every day. I even got a little sunburn Thursday when I went kayaking. Saturday, I took my two best girls, Jo and Wyleigh Dog, to Schooner Wharf for Valentine's Day. Jo got a little too much sun as she listened to Michael McCloud. Our Winters are like your Spring, it is beautiful here, but Winter is almost over and the sun is getting more direct as it moves further north.

This weeks book was 'Key West Collection' by Dorothy Raymer and photos by Tom Corcoran. You may remember Tom as I used to report on his books and he used to take photo's for the covers of Buffett's albums. Anyway this is about Key West in the 1950's and is a bunch of short stories. Again, I really enjoyed this book.

We talked about the problem with chickens and Key West trying to solve the problem by having a Chicken Day. We talked about the Cubans and trying to get to America twice by converting cars into boats. We have even talked about the homeless and the problems Key West have with them, BUT did you know Key West also has a problem with CATS. The 'Truly Nolan' company (a pest extermination company) has teamed up with The Florida Wildlife Commission to try and capture some of the 'feral cat' population. All FWC vehicles will be painted a tabby color, have ears put on each fender, have long furry tails attached to their trunks, have whiskers attached to their grills, and the horn will be replaced with one that will say 'Here, Kitty, Kitty'. I think the cats are going to laugh themselves to death.

Doug Bennett
Key West, You have got to love