Saturday, December 16, 2023

This Week on the Island 12/17/2023


‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.

 The Weather:

We have had a lot of these days lately. Living on an island in the middle of the ocean between Miami and Havana.

Saturday early morning dog walk. Outside Shrimp Boat Sounds, Jimmy Buffett’s recording studio, Lazy Way Lane, Key West, FL.

We also had the Lighted Boat Parade in the Key West Bight.

1960’s at the Truman Waterfront when it was still a working Naval Base.

Tim Dorsey left the island this week. I have read 21 of his books.

Jo has been fighting Shingles for about 5 weeks. I never knew it could be so bad. The V.A, got me to take the Shingles shot a few months ago. Glad I did, would hate for both of us to be fighting Shingles. She is in a lot of pain.

Also, the first Saturday of December, at the dog park, I got a bad case of heart burn (I never have heart burn). I was sick for a week and only wanted to sleep. Lost 10 pounds.

We leave you with ‘Easy like Sunday morning’. At Fort Zack.

And an extra for sunset. At Higgs Beach.

Key West

Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’