Saturday, May 09, 2020

This Week on the Island 05/10/2020

‘This Week on the Island’ is written by Doug Bennett and is an update to friends about happenings in Key West last week. Everything is true except for those parts that are lies.
The Weather:  Same as last week and the week before. And the week before.  And the week before. BUT: It looks like next week we may finally get some rain.
A map was posted on the construction fence at the Truman Waterfront Park. The bottom left corner shows a new dog park. Teeki is all excited.
Schooner Wharf Bar opened so Teeki and I went for an adult beverage.
And of course, we had Cinco de mayo on Taco Tuesday.
One of our rides this week took us to Simonton Beach on the Gulf side of the island.  Check out how clear that water is. The water temp is 81 degrees.
The city of Key West has been replacing sidewalks.
We have lots of joggers on our streets.
I saw in the paper where a small dog had been attacked by a hawk. Here is south Florida we have a different situation.
This is the Southern Cross, it is on our flag (Conch Republic Flag). It is a southern constellation and cannot be seen from most of the northern hemisphere. We can see it from Key West; therefore, it is on our flag.
Beware of the Murder Hornets.
Happy Mothers Day!

Key West,
Close to Perfect, Far from Normal’